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Clinic & Procedure Fees, Payment Terms

Updated June 10, 2024

Our clinic supports clinicians who work with people who choose surgery together with comprehensive dietetic support, a multi-disciplinary team approach.   

Fees quoted are before Medicare rebates.

In clinic we process Medicare rebates on the spot for you with a valid referral, then the Medicare rebate for surgery is processed within 1-2 weeks.

Payment Terms

Phone or clinic consult fees are due on the day of consult by EFTPOS or bank deposit.  Surgery fees are due three weeks in advance to confirm Dr Wylie's surgical lists. 

Some clinicians reserve the right to charge cancellation fees for same day cancellations or not showing up to appointments.

Assessment Clinic

60mins with a Dietitian - $180 (Fee set by Balance Nutrition)

60mins with our Bariatric Nurse and Surgeon $250* (Fee set by Dr Wylie)

*Eligible for Medicare rebate with valid referral.

Total Cost of Surgery - Hospital, Assistant, Anaesthetist

Dr Wylie's estimates the total cost of surgery is $18k-20k including his Surgical Fee, the Hospital, Assistant and Anaesthetist.  The main difference in cost is the number of nights you spend in hospital.  Each provider will quote you individually and there is a full disclosure you will sign.  With any surgery, there may be additional costs due to the risk of surgery.  

If you are accessing Superannuation, you then use these quotes in your application.  

You will receive rebates from Medicare with a valid GP referral. 

If you have Private Health insurance cover, then contact your provider about what is covered.  Some plans include Bariatric Surgery, some plans just have Extras which will give you a rebate on Dietitian appointments for example.

After Care Program

This is a commitment to your long term success.  Balance Nutrition will support you with reviews at 2, 4 and 6 weeks after Surgery, then at 3/6/9/12 months.  Support for rural and remote patients is offered by Telehealth since if is not practical to attend all these appointments in person.


Types of Surgery

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

This operation transforms the stomach from capacity of approximately 1.5 L to ~ 80ml making it a long tube that connects the oesophagus to the first part of the small bowel (duodenum). The overall effect is to restrict the volume of food that can be eaten at any one sitting.

Roux–En–Y Gastric Bypass

Converts the stomach into a 30ml pouch and then uses small bowel to connect this pouch to the rest of the small bowel further down stream. The over all effect is to restrict the amount of food as well as reduce the amount of calories that are absorbed from that food.

Omega Loop Gastric Bypass

Also converts the stomach into a pouch and then uses small bowel to connect this pouch to the rest of the small bowel further down stream. The over all effect is to restrict the amount of food as well as reduce the amount of calories that are absorbed from that food.

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